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'Tis mad idolatry,
To make the service greater than the god -Shakespeare

In some scenario, there might be two kinds of people : The Greater and The Lesser ones. Of course, the former bear the power to influence, manipulate and enslave the latter.  Scanning through social media , it is interesting to note that minions work overtime for their gods.  They must come cheap since you cannot count them with your pubic hair. They abound and embrace the thought that there are no moral standards in building up and defending their choice of a modern day flesh and blood idol who reign supreme in owning them skin and soul.  They are basically called TROLLS, since they dwell in the dark caverns of their beliefs and are presumed to only have ugly intentions of confusing issues at hand and provoke teeth and blood argument as well as maximum disruption.  They are indeed the lesser ones who assume almost respectable as well as mediocre names to surf through the widest platforms with their glaucomic views of the brighter side of the world.  The lesser ones are real people with unreal manifestations just to grapple with the wits of those who become them in the process.  It has even been an abused word this TROLL; in forums swarming with them, your two cents is brutally mangled with their loose use of cuss and disdain which may in probable cases become personal.  We should all be wary when interacting with strangers online, they can be as nasty as their behinds and would spit on you laughing.  They should be the least of our concern really.  If you have stones to grind with political or social/religious issues, DO NOT attempt to swim into a heated thread but rather gather your thoughts and BLOG it.  


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