Moon gazing is a free pleasure. No tickets, no rides, no nothing ; just look up into the sky on lunar nights and there it is. A beauty to behold. A white crisp disc nonchalantly suspended in space taking care of our high and low tides as well as some people's conduct. The only really enjoyable way to celebrate a lunar watch is right in your home. If you are lucky, you may have just ignored the wide lawn your family has had for years; but then there is a chance that once or every so often you stroll around your property on silvery nights with romantic thoughts. But then most of us third world creatures are content basically in a tight space. This is where you must go against the odd of not having a verdant space to while away some downtime when a brownout happens or tv's dead or wifi's such an ass. Figure this small house side area where your 5'10" almost 200 pounds body will have to settle smaller fixtures to sit in and cocktail away an evening with la luna. Do not just be content with what is there, your imagination has to run wild like a feral cat caught in a dogfight... etch away those green possibilities with stray plants around the area. If you don't have a green thumb, start believing you have and it may just work.
In a little while, you would have accumulated a considerable number of plant materials to sprinkle around the small space. Actually, when dealing with nature, you just work on your instincts and the orientation as to which side be on what direction. I have observed that plants, even grasses basically cast their well-being on how their roots are neatly placed on the ground. Its really a matter of gaining some knack of it while being mystified with the awesome feeling of gratification when they start growing shoots, leaflings and grow branches under your care. It is nurturing the godliness of your mortal limitations while growing your own oxygen machine pleasurably.
But then, if you never wished to have moonburns, you won't need a private special place you pimp up with only some found things and your highly inspired imagination. Oh, well then that is another story.
Xixi Maturan was once dj in Legazpi City, now listen to him as MIDNIGHT HIGGINS in a MEMOIR PLAYLIST ON SPOTIFY!
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